Bitches Brew: Ginseng, Ginger, Date & Lemon Tea.

After a long night of painting the town red, I wake up the following morning and I have that sluggish, post-party feeling.

You know that feeling? 

Your body is sluggish, your head is heavy and all you wanna do is just lay in bed and spend the rest of your day in your blanket?

Well, I've got the remedy for that and it's called " Bitches Brew".

It's made from ginseng, ginger, date and lemons, and it gives an amazing kick in the ass whenever I get that sluggish and tired feeling. This will definitely be a staple in my diet once the weather warms up.

Bitches Brew: Ginseng, Ginger, Date & Lemon Tea.

I named this after Miles Davis' critically acclaimed jazz album, because I was actually listening to it the first time I created this tea blend. I like to think that his music inspired this blend and this wonderful symphony of flavors would have pleased Miles as well.

A girl can wish...

You can listen to some of that album, here.

I chose every ingredient in this tea for a specific reason and I'll give a small breakdown before I spill on the recipe details.


Ginseng is an amazing herb known for its' energizing properties, and its' benefits for the brain's memory retention, alertness and clarity. For that reason, I always keep a small box of ginseng in the house because I love the  effect it has on my body.  The taste of it can be a put off-putting and that's why I brew it with other ingredients. 


In addition to the ginseng, I used another all-time favorite ingredient of mine, dates. Dates are full of natural sugars, fiber, potassium, magnesium and other wonderful vitamins! They add a natural sweetness when brewed in a tea and that way I avoid using white sugar and other added sweeteners.

Another star of this tea is ginger, which is known for giving that light burn & lovely smell. It's great for waking up & detoxifying the body, and for that reason, you'll find it in a lot of juices and teas. Personally, I just love the taste of ginger and I enjoy it in almost any form. 

Finally, the addition of lemon ties all the flavors together and adds an acidic balance to the brew.

You'll love it and your body will love you for it.

Bitches Brew: Ginseng, Ginger, Date & Lemon Tea

What you'll need:

  • 8 cups of water
  • 3 tablespoons of ginseng
  • 1 big piece of ginger ( depends on how hot you like it) , cut into slices
  • 1 lemon, cut into slices
  • 25-30 dates , chopped into small pieces.
Bitches Brew: Ginseng, Ginger, Date & Lemon Tea


  • Boil the water and once it's bubbling, add all the ingredients to your pot
  • Once the ingredients are added, turn down the heat to a low simmer and cover the pot.
  • Simmer on low for 1 hour.
  • Sieve the liquid, throw out the solids.
  • Serve & enjoy.


Take care of your bodies & drink tea, friends.

Bitches Brew: Ginseng, Ginger, Date & Lemon Tea.


Love and Light, 
