Seafood Paella: From Frozen to Gourmet

I love a good paella like anyone but cooking dishes from scratch isn't an option on many days and that's when a frozen dinner comes in handy. 

Frozen dinners get a really bad rap because they're often loaded with calories, calcium and taste rather bland. I assure you, this frozen dinner is none of those things.

With a frozen dinner like this, it was very easy to customize it and make it my own with just a few modifications that took this dish from a frozen dinner to a gourmet dish.

Let's begin, shall we?

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OOTD: All Eyes on Me.

In an unintentional continuation of Sunday’s post, we are talking a little more about my recent self-reflections.

In examining who I am, I also examining the person I don’t/didn’t want to be. When I began taking my sense of style more seriously, I often downplayed myself in order to avoid being labelled an attention-seeker by proxy of the way I dress. I’ve always hated the idea of being someone that likes attention. The thought that I could be mistaken for someone that needed the approval and attention of others is something that highly irritated me because it reminded me of a past self that I’ve (thankfully) grown out of.

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Self-Care Sunday: Choosing Myself.

I've gone through a number of life changes lately this month ( in my work, relationship & self) and I've found myself in a very vulnerable position.

For a while, I hid those feelings. I didn't want to admit that I felt sad, that I felt unsure of who I was and my place in the world. Admitting that would make me weak and therefore, I held it close. However, what I realized this past month is there is a mountain of strength in my vulnerability.

This past month, I questioned who I was and after lengthy self-deliberation, daily TED videos & inspirational music (linked below),  I found her. 

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