Food Review: Vegan Thai Green Curry

For the past two years, I've been a Trader Joe's lover and I'm always down to try any of their simmer sauces and curries. They recently introduced a Thai Green Curry Simmer Sauce and because I loveeeeeeeeeee Thai Green Curry, I just had to try it.

In my quest to eat out less and dine in more, I hoped this simmer sauce could eliminate my Thai food pig-outs but unfortunately, Trader Joe's dropped the ball on this one. 


Trader Joe's did something that a lot of brands do when they market ethnic foods to majority Caucasian clients, they dialed back the flavor.

When I think of green curry, I think of the harmonious taste of lemongrass, galangal and kaffir limes, all wonderfully complemented by a creamy coconut milk base. The TJ's version was a bit heavy on the coconut cream and light on the lemongrass and ginger flavors and unfortunately,  that resulted in a curry that was more-so sweet as opposed to flavorful.

This particular formula may appeal to the palettes of people that are not really accustomed to Thai foods or just prefer lighter flavors.

If you're one of those, the following recipe is for you.

While I expected more from this curry, it was still good enough for a meal or two. In order to make it a vegan &  hearty meal, I loaded up on the veggies and tubers. If you're not vegan, you can definitely substitute the veggies with shrimp or diced chicken. 

This recipe calls for the following:

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Vegan Thai Curry-Ingredients(0).png

Now, on to the dish...

  • First, roast the diced squash and broccoli in the oven at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. 
  • While the squash and broccoli is roasting, saute the onions and peppers for about 10 minutes 
  • Add the simmer sauce to the pot & simmer on very low heat.
  • Once the squash and broccoli is cooked, add it to the curry & stir.
  • Serve over cooked rice.
Vegan Thai Curry.png

Any other curry lovers out there?

Share your favorite restaurants and/or ready-made curry brands in the comments! I'm looking for a few more places and brands to try.

Eat good & live well.

Love & Light,
