Posts tagged Wellness
Align Your Chakras 101 - Meditation for Beginners.

When I talk about my mind and how it works, I lovingly refer to it as "a very loud monkey brain just throwing fucking darts at a board all day." and while that sounds harsh, it is the absolute truth. My mind literally doesn't shut up and I'm constantly getting these massive, brilliant ideas (shout-out to all those manic late night sessions of life-planning) and stream of thoughts all day. I turned to meditation coupled with mindfulness hoping to quiet my mind and better channel my mental energy.

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Letting Go of Fear

This past Monday morning, while making breakfast, I had a thought that simply said, "Stop operating from a place of fear."

I've been listening to a lot of talks on showing compassion & love because this world needs a whole lot more of it and I can only start with myself.  I keep wondering if maybe I heard that phrase from one of the many talks or maybe it was a higher power or consciousness reaching out to me...I don't know.
Either way, I wrote it down and reflected on that during my work commute.

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