OOTD: Saturday at Nagles

This past weekend, the frigid NYC weather warmed up to a balmy 50 degrees and honey, I was ready to pack up all my winter coats and break out the spring outfits! While some folks still donned their winter coats, I was out there with a sweaters and not a single care in the world.

In celebration of the lovely weather and  a much needed pow-wow with Jo, I headed to Nagles Bagels in my Crown Heights neighborhood for an iced coffee & a chat.  Nagles Bagel's is the latest arrival to the neighborhood and is the only "coffeehouse" & cafe in the neighborhood. Needless to say, it's a must-visit if you're in the neighborhood; the coffee is smooth and the bagel sandwiches are delish!

While I'm ecstatic to finally have a coffee shop in the neighborhood, I'm also a bit anxious about it's arrival because we all know in NYC, coffee shops means white people start moving in and white people moving in means the rent is going wayyyyyy up!

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a white person's fault for moving into a neighborhood.

This is  a capitalist and prejudiced problem perpetuated by the real estate industry, property & business owners that believe the value of a neighborhood goes up once white people move in & people of color (often with lower incomes) are pushed out of their native neighborhoods.

While there is a lot to be said on the topic of gentrification, I'll leave y'all with some reading. Knowledge is power, y'all.

New Republic || How To Stop Gentrification 

Everyday Feminism || Tactics That Fight Gentrification 

Peter Moskowitz || How To Kill A City 

Matthew Desmond || Evicted: Poverty & Profit In The American City  

Now that we got some knowledge, let's talk about this pre-spring look!

In keeping with my reputation as an earth mami, I'm clad like a brick house for this look.


For the past week, I've been obsessed with my mustard-yellow beret so it was only natural that I coordinated the rest of my look around it.  I think Mother Nature knew that I had to show out real quick & blessed us with that beautiful weather on Saturday....or y'know global warming is alive & real. Y'all don't understand how good it feels to leave the house without being bundled like the kid in A Christmas Story!

I know that I'm supposed to hate global warming because of the polar bears and the threat of ecological disaster, but it's hard to be mad when this is the shortest winter I've experienced in years.

Alright, stop judging me and get into this look!


Outfit Details

Beret: Vintage

Sweater: Ralph Lauren

Skirt: Forever21

Jacket: Bebe

Boots: Zara

How has Mother Nature (global warming) been blessing y'all lately? 

Share below.

Love & Light,
