2016 Reflections

Happy New Year

It's officially 2017 and I'd like to wish everyone a warm welcome to the year of Donald Trump and self-driving cars. It's hard to determine what kind of s**tshow this year will be but let's just stay alive long enough to find out.

Looking back to 2016, last year was definitely a year of  "realizing things" as Kylie Jenner put it.

We, as Americans realized this country isn't the post-racial utopia that many liberals think it is. We also realized that black girl magic is real and seems to have taken the form of Issa Rae, Beyoncé and Viola Davis.

While I'm still in the spirit of "realizing", let's go over some of things I realized this year.

1. Good food requires some loving.  Since my induction into adulthood, I've been cooking over 80% of my meals and in doing so, I've discovered the secret ingredients in food that makes it hella good are, time and love. It gives me so much pride when people compliment my food esp. when I'm heating it up or eating in break room at work, and someone's like "wow that smells/looks good". I sit there all gassed up like,


2. Budgeting is a life-saver. I currently use the Mint app to budget and keep track of my finances. It has saved me a lot of headaches regarding what I'm spending, saving, wasting etc. I'm definitely going to do the 52 week savings challenge as well to even further tighten my budget.

3. Be on time for everything. I'm someone that had issues being on time but upon joining the workforce, I had to shape up before it reflected negatively on me. I've been very punctual lately and as someone with intense anxiety, it's quite relieving to get somewhere early and feel out the surroundings before getting into any activity.  In the upcoming year, I plan to arrive at all appointments 15 minutes early and ready for whatever will be thrown at me.

4. When in Rome, do as the Romans but still be yourself. In transitioning from being a free-willed college kid to being a semi-professional woman, my biggest challenge was fitting into an environment that demanded a certain level of conformity and professionalism, while maintaining my personality. I've come a long way with it and I can only get better from here.

5. If you want it, go get it. The biggest lesson I learned this year was to go out there and get what's mine. Fear gets me nothing. Complacency gets me nothing. Jealousy gets me nothing. Anything I want, is within my reach as long as I am willing to work for it. 

2016 was a year that required me to the lay the foundation for my future goals and desires. I laid the framework for who I want to be and where I want to be in future and I am in a comfortable place for 2017.  

Going into 2017, I will hold on to the truths I've established within myself, while learning more about myself, and everyone I come into contact with. I'm a work in progress with plenty to work on and develop this year. I'm excited to grow my site/brand/baby with my readers, friends and family. I hope this year brings boundless adventures, bountiful opportunities and immeasurable joy. 

Stay safe and have a wonderful New Year.

Love & Light,
