Letting Go of Fear

This past Monday morning, while making breakfast, I had a thought that simply said, "Stop operating from a place of fear."

I've been listening to a lot of talks on showing compassion & love because this world needs a whole lot more of it and I can only start with myself.  I keep wondering if maybe I heard that phrase from one of the many talks or maybe it was a higher power or consciousness reaching out to me...I don't know.
Either way, I wrote it down and reflected on that during my work commute.

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How To Get Paid To Clean Out Your Closet.

Whether you're still dealing with the residuals of winter or if you're basking in the beauty of blooming flowers and longer days, it's officially spring. 

With the advent of a new season, many of us are looking into our closets and resurrecting or letting go of some pieces. For the past month, I've been looking into my closet and closely examining the pieces I will keep and the ones I will let go of. 

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