D.C Weekend Trip Recap
I recently took a trip to D.C, in accordance with my recent interest in travel and exploration and let me tell you, I can't wait to go back again. This trip gave me everything that I didn't think I needed or wanted.
For a brief recap of my prepped looks & what was in my luggage, click here.
I'm a firm believer in the idea that everything happens as it should.
When I planned my trip to D.C on a whim, I didn't know what to expect but I couldn't get the thought out of my head, so I went for it. This recap is going to be a bit wordy and I ask that you forgive me or close this post if you're not down for the ride.
First, I'd like to thank God for a safe journey. Second, I'd like to thank my host, Nandi for being the most down-to-earth host and friend that I could ask for. I'm very excited about our future adventures together.
Let's begin, shall we?
The commute
Greyhound was truly trying to give me a heart attack but I prevailed and got into D.C a little after midnight. Let me fill y'all on the complete bulls**t Greyhound put me through.
I had a 7:30pm bus.
- 7:25pm: We receive notification that the driver will be running a few minutes late. The bus is ready but no driver. Okay, cool...things happen.
- 7.40pm: Stilll no sign of the driver & the associates don't know when he is coming.
- 8.10pm: The masses are getting angry. We receive word that we will be placed on the 8.30pm greyhound bus & that we will be the first ones to board due to the delay in our original bus schedule.
- 8.30pm: The secondary bus begins loading, except without us.
- 8.35pm: I summon the driver's attention to what's going on because clearly, we are being bypassed.
- 8.37pm: The bus driver starts getting annoyed and irate with me & then I curse out the bus driver.
- 8.39pm: I'm on the bus, along with 4 other people.
The worst part about having to deal with this bus ride was that I had to get completely out of character to deal with a completely avoidable situation. Next time, I'm hoping I can keep my composure or afford a plane ticket.
If you want more Greyhound horror stories (because trust me, there are PLENTY), click here.
With the annoying travel behind us, let's get into the rest of this trip.
Day 1: Museums & Thai Food.
I'd been dying to explore the Smithsonian museums that D.C has to offer. I realized once I got there that each single museum was huge and I'd need at least a day for each museum and I didn't have that kind of time. I prioritized (unfortunately) and only went to the Museum of African Art & The Museum of Natural History. Both museums left me breathlessssssss. The Museum of African Art was exactly what I needed to rekindle some connections to my roots. I felt so much pride being near these monumental works of art.
A few noteworthy exhibits:
- Jim Chuchu's Invocations - brought tears to my eyes.
- Visionary: Viewpoints on Africa's Arts
- Healing Arts - a beautiful homage to African spirituality.
After fawning over the exhibits, I headed to the gift shop and honestly, I could spent my whole rent check in there...but I wise enough not to. I did walk away with a few items that I truly adore.
Handcrafted fridge magnet
Handcrafted candle
Vision and Justice by Aperture
The gem store in the museum of natural history was also a complete delight & I walked away with a rose quartz candle holder, selenite towers & a hematite ring.
My latest window set-up courtesy of my purchases at the Gem Store at the Museum of Natural History. The candle included in my altar is from the Smile Herb Shop. Pins are from the Brooklyn museum.
A chill ride on the metro & some banging Thai food brought my first day to a close. I learned a few things on that day;
- A smile and a warm greeting can get you anywhere or anything.
- Your uber or lyft driver knows where everything is - ask them for recommendations.
- Don't buy a $7 coffee from a museum.
- Do not wear heels to a museum.
- Sometimes, someone staring at you is actually a good thing. Next time, when they call you cute and give you the eye, return the favor.
Day 2: Flying High All Night.
This day was jam-packed with activity and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I started the day with a trip to a local Caribbean market for fish and bake for breakfast (YUM), followed by a trip to Smile Herb Shop (picked up some candles, a bunch of sage and loose leaf teas), some fun thrifting ( at a store & in Nandi's closet) and some gravity-defying jumping at Sky Zone. Following lunch and some fashionable fun with my lovely host, we headed to Downtown D.C to see the play, Familiar at the Wooly Mammoth Theater and for some fun on U street.
This day was really special for me because I got to interact with so many lovely DMV folks and they were so warm and down to earth. For a second, I didn't miss NYC at all because I was basking in all the DMV love.
This day taught me even more than the day before. From listening and interacting with so many different people, I learned that;
- Rejection is a part of life.
- Stop judging people by their appearance.
- Shoot your shot.
- Stop being so self-conscious.
- Embody who you want to be and you'll be that.
I could elaborate on every single one of these points but that's another story for another day.
Day 3: Departure & Reflections
With about 3 hours in me, I had to catch a 8.30 am bus back to NYC & I was so sad to leave but I know for a fact that I'll be back in the DMV soon.
Those cities definitely have my heart. It was so crazy that I felt so connected to them. It was just beautiful seeing so many people in one place that looked like me. DMV is like dreadlocks nation and everywhere I turned, I was like "oh my god, such pretty locs!" and that's something I definitely do not get in NYC.
Until we meet again, I'll keep these memories close.
The city left me with a sense of inner pride and a deeper belief in who I was and where I stood in this little thing we call life. With time and even deeper reflections, I know more will rise to the surface and I'm open to it all.
I've been bitten by the travel mug & I can't wait to share more memories.
love & light,