Rachel Ndubuisi

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Welcome to Brooklyn

For the past month, I've been waking up with the sun and the sound of birds singing outside my window. I've spent the past month in Brooklyn, basking in the Afro-Caribbean vibes and the warmth of the community.

I remember the first night I slept here; feeling restless and excited about the endless opportunities ahead of me. I listened to Ali Farka Toure's, "In Heart of the Moon". I felt the depth of the dark night, and the airiness of the night sky. In setting up my room/miniature residence, I made sure to create a space that centered around light and positive vibes. 

Everyday, I learn how susceptible the body, mind and spirit are susceptible to energies. Despite the energies of the outside world and my inner world, I wanted my residence to emit positive, bright and hopeful energies. 

Moving really made me consider the things I felt were important to me because it's arduous and ridiculous to think one can fit their whole life into a new space without some major subtractions. It especially hurt to wittle down my book collection to just the essentials, rare & 'must-haves'. My current book collection looks like this, give or take a few books I brought after taking these photos.

With my growing obsession with books, especially home decor and cooking books, I know my collection will only grow until I have to get a mini bookshelf instead of stacking them on my desk shelf.  I'm currently looking at a few things; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and hopefully I settle on one soon so I can start building my collection once again.

The other notable features of my residence include: my bed, my clothing rack and hanging wall of bags (most are not pictured, unfortunately).

I learned a few things about myself while getting adjusted into my new space and I figured out many things about myself that I'd like to change.

  1. Generally speaking, I have too many things. I can't even say how many clothes, and things I have given away/thrown out upon moving because they were so unnecessary to my current state and I could most definitely live without them. It was just so unattractive having all these things take up my space especially when I felt nothing in their absence.  I'm hoping to gear myself more towards simple and minimal living instead of unabashed materialism. I'm hoping letting go of my physical baggage leads to some  un-packaging and off-loading of emotional and meta-physical baggage.
  2. I live for color, especially pink and purple. I've always said my favorite colors were black and white because they are safe colors and go with everything but in all actuality, I'm a sucker for all the fun and bright colors, especially pinks and purples. I've always associated those colors with juvenile femininity but I've come to accept the side of me that is juvenile, feminine and  fun at heart. Therefore, I will be incorporating more of that into my wardrobe and decor in the near future, while also embracing my femininity. 
  3. I love my alone time more than anything. Despite being alone and being at liberty to do as I please, I've spent a lot of time being a homebody; working, reading, writing and studying. I find the routine calming and it  has been peaceful to say the least. I am hoping that in the future, I am able to engage in activities that give back to my present and past communities this summer.  (Sidenote, a friend of mine has put together something awesome called Dresses & Diplomas. Please refer to the flyer below for more details.)

Please contact dressesanddiplomas@gmail.com for more information or feel free to contact the ladies on the flier :)

Finally, I want to say a big thank you for everyone that helped me physically, mentally and emotionally reach the point I am right now. Thank God for the love, light and power to overcome adversity.

Til next time, Rachel.