Rachel Ndubuisi

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Planning My 2017.

I see 2017 as being a year of productivity and focused work for me. This year is about the push, the hustle and the grind to success. 

Last year, I graduated college and that was my peak moment but as of right now, that high has died off and I'm chasing the next goal, the next dream, the next rung on the ladder of my life.

I discussed my resolutions for 2017 a few weeks back, and I plan to stick to all of them. In addition to those goals, I have academic and career goals that I'd like to reach this year.

Since the new year, I've been thinking to myself, "How do I do all of this?"

"How do I read & study everyday, work everyday, blog consistently, workout consistently with only 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week? "

By utilizing the heck out of my passion planner.

This year, my planner will be lifeline.  Once I look at it, I just smile because of the personalizing that I did to my planner. I bought the Frida Kahlo skeleton pin from a Mexican heritage museum in Austin, Texas and I received the Phony Ppl stickers as a special gift. I recommend personalizing your planners, if you haven't already. It makes using it seem more fun even if you have 30 things on agenda. 

I'm planning for the 2017 that I want to (and will) have. I'm not placing my year in the hands of destiny.

I'm making my own destiny. 

I promise myself that I will allocate my time to important and fruitful ventures.

I promise myself I will not fall into lazy habits.

I promise myself I will work mindfully and efficiently.

Most of all, I promise myself that I will do all of these while keeping my mental health in mind. 

I can do it.

Love & Light,
