Rachel Ndubuisi

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Outfit Of The Day: Missoni x Zara

One of my biggest fears about growing up, and being more of a professional was losing my edge. In college, I dressed in a very "different" and slightly "out-there" way and despite growing out of that and toning down for the person I want to be in the future,  I sometimes miss quirky Rachel.

I miss the Rachel that wore purple lipstick and multi-color faux locs.

I miss baggy jeans, messy braids and combat boots.

I miss being carefree and simultaneously extra as hell.

I look at these pictures and I feel as though I have lost a part of myself and I've become a boring adult. I feel like Andy and April from the episode of Parks & Rec when they bought the marshmallow shooter instead of buying plates like normal adults.

So, when shooting my latest OOTD, I didn't expect to see a glimpse of my old self in those photos, but I did. I saw the old Rachel that liked wearing adventurous outfits, and looking different and could wear things were strange but worked for me. It felt good to know I hadn't lost parts of myself in being who I am now. 

Outfit Details

Dress: Missoni for Target

Boots: Zara

Jacket: Thrifted & Vintage

I'm currently striving to feel like my most natural self. I've been able to embrace my natural style expression, my natural hair (a huge deal) and the next step is seamlessly weaving all of these into my professional life.

Here's to having fun with my self-expression but also being a respectable young professional. Here's to sometimes buying the marshmallow shooter instead of plates.                           Here's to not being boring adults.

I'm looking forward to what I'll bring this year and I'm hoping I can document every thing because I want to share all I can with y'all. If anyone wants to volunteer to be my anytime, anywhere paparazzi, hit me up.

Till next time.

Stay safe, have fun being you and vibrate higher.

xoxo, Rachel.