Rachel Ndubuisi

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How To Practice Daily Self-Care

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A few weeks back, I shared my Turmeric mask recipe in relation to how I practice self-care. Since then, I've been taking baby steps to practice my self-care on a daily basis. Many days, I might forget or be too busy to give myself some love but I always remember to stop & take some time for myself.

Self-care is a lot of different things for me; it could mean watching a fun show, spending a pretty penny at Lush, tending to my plants, heading to a yoga class etc. This past weekend, it meant buying myself some flowers and candles in order to add some beauty to my room. Sometimes, just listening to that little voice in your head that says " slow down" is all the self-care I need.

Here a few ways that I've begun practicing daily self-care & I'm hoping this will be helpful to everyone else.

1. Make time for some TLC. First, you need the time to take care of yourself. Carve out some point in the day when you have no obligations or appointments to tend to. It could be 5 minutes, 30 minutes or even an hour. This is your time. Enjoy the moment.

2. Treat yourself. It doesn't have to cost you anything or take a ton of your time but you should take the initiative to treat yourself  daily. Most days, I eat a small piece of my favorite chocolate during moments when I'm feeling overwhelmed and when I need to wind down. It works wonders. Treat yourself to anything that makes you feel goooood (& is also good for you).

3. Meditate. Meditation is a great way to quiet your mind & calm your spirits. For those that are apprehensive to meditation, you can try simply sitting in quiet area and turning off your head for a few minutes. The key is to embrace the moment at hand and give your mind time to wander & be free.

4. Write positive affirmations to yourself. Take some time to write some positive affirmations to yourself. Remind yourself that you're beautiful and worthy of love, life & happiness. Make a list of your goals and write about them in the present tense as though they are already yours.

Self-care is a highly individualized process & varies by the person and there are a million more ways to show yourself love. I hope my methods will inspire you to adopt a few methods of your own that'll keep you feeling emotionally, physically and mentally well.

Love & Light,
