Rachel Ndubuisi

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2017: A Year In Review.

Here I am, on the last day of the year & honestly I'm wondering where the year went! This year was an up and down roller-coaster for me and I'm thankful I made it through with my edges  intact.

Let's get into it.

I remember reading my numerology of 2017 and feeling very anxious about what the year would bring. Astrology, numerology & horoscopes are kind of bulls**t, but they bring me a sense of security and comfort so every year, I check in and see what's supposedly in store for me.

My numerology prediction was that 2017 would be the year in which I laid the foundation for the rest of my life.

No pressure, right?

This is the very last day of 2017 and looking back on the year, I can feel that prophecy coming true in so many ways.

This year, I had two big "firsts"; my first apartment and my first "big girl" job. 

I learned a lot from my "firsts" this year;

  1. Always stand your ground. I learned from my job to always stand up from myself because people will only put me  through what I choose to tolerate. I no longer stand for disrespect and I'm more capable at standing up for myself during uncomfortable situations.
  2. Never give less than your best. I've also learned from my job to not settle for good enough and to always strive for great. Despite some annoyances, my job has really shaped me into a more career-based person and has helped me develop my personality strengths and work on my weaknesses. Going into this job, I didn't think it would allow for so much personal growth and  I'm very grateful that it has.
  3. Decorate your space & make it home. I learned from my apartment that decorating is hard & expensive but absolutely essential to having a comfortable home. If you're reading this and thinking of getting your own place, please factor in what you will need to decorate said apartment and factor that cost into your budget. You can't get an apartment and not be able to entertain because you don't have any chairs, boo. 
  4. Be malleable. I learned that being stubborn about my goals but being very flexible about my methods is the best approach for me. Back in the day, I was very rigid in my approach to things and 2017 really taught me how to take a step back and modify my methods to get what I want out of life.
  5. Love yourself and do what's right. That's self-explanatory but it's easier said than done. This year was a test in self-love for me and I think I'm doing alright with it but in 2018, I hope to do much better to show myself and those around me an outpouring of love. 

Now, that we've gotten past the accomplishments and learning, let's talk about the top outifts of 2017.

This year was very challenging for me fashion-wise because I was trying to balance my need to be extra-af with my need to create a more grown-up and sleek wardrobe. So far, it's still a work in progress because  I'm learning more and more about my personal style everyday. 

A few things didn't change though; 

  • I still love dresses and skirts
  • I'm still an earth tone mami
  •  I live for statement pieces.

One thing that I had to keep in mind in 2017 was to wear what I want. Honestly, the magazines and trends are inspiring, but at the end of the day, what matters is how I feel about what I'm wearing, not whether it's in season or not.

In 2018, I will work on my self-confidence and conquer my fear of sleeveless outfits. I've been feeling very positive about myself and my stretch marks and 2018 will be a breakthrough in regards to how I feel about myself. It's a journey and it's one that I choose to embark on everyday.

Let's get on to a more delicious side of things.

Y'all, I was chefing this year. 

I discovered my love for cooking this year and it's been one of the purest things that has come into my life. It's been a big part of my development as an independent adult and it may have earned me a bragging right or two.

Here are some of my favorite dishes from 2017.

I know 2018 will be even more delicious, and health-conscious.

That's my year in review and thank you for coming on this ride with me!

2017 was an amazing whirlwind of a year and I know 2018 will bring success and joy to all of us.

Keep your faith in yourself and all that you believe.
